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Six strategies to make money investing with a limited budget

In order to begin investing, you must first join a low-cost investment platform. We've compiled a list of our favourites for your convenience.

Most will let you to create an Individual Savings Account (ISA) in order to shield your gains from the taxman. Take a look at our most popular stocks and shares ISAs.

After you have completed this step, you will need an investing plan. Here are some suggestions for making an investment:

1. Invest a little amount of money each month.

You do not need to have a large quantity of money to begin investing. Actually, investing little sums of money on a regular basis is preferable to investing a huge quantity of money all at once.

By putting aside a little sum of money every month, you reduce your exposure to market volatility. As a result, you will always end up purchasing more shares when they are on sale and fewer shares when they are pricey (which is known as pound-cost averaging).

2. Invest in an index tracker.

Stock exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds (index funds) monitor the performance of a particular stock market or asset class. More information about ETFs may be found in our investment guide for beginners.

ETFs are often substantially less expensive than actively managed mutual funds (where a stock picker selects investments on your behalf). Investing in mutual funds is a straightforward and cost-effective approach to develop a portfolio with a little amount of money.

You may invest in an exchange-traded fund via an investing platform such as AJ Bell Youinvest, Hargreaves Lansdown*, or Interactive Investor, or directly through an exchange.

3. Make use of a robot advisor.

The benefit of investing with an automated investment advisor is that you are allowing an algorithm to do the legwork for you in determining where your money should be placed.

Online fund platforms such as Nutmeg and Investor, which can design a portfolio for you, are an excellent way to make investments.

The investor requires just a one-pound investment as a starting point. Customers of Nutmeg are required to make a minimum investment of £100 or £500, depending on the kind of investment account they choose.

It's referred to as a Robo-advisor since it doesn't employ a human fund manager or financial adviser to look after your money, making it a more affordable alternative.

4. Reduce your exposure to danger.

Invest in a variety of assets; in other words, don't put all your eggs in the same basket.

Distributing your capital across several asset classes, market sectors, and geographical locations is essential. This might assist to smooth out any price swings that may occur.

5. Make long-term financial investments.

Investing little sums of money every month may seem trivial at first, but over the course of 20 or 30 years, you might have amassed a sizable sum of money.

If you want to keep your money invested for decades, you can afford to take on greater risk than someone who may require access to their money in the next few years, such as a college student.

Long-term investing is recommended since the longer your investment horizon, the more time you will have to ride through the hard times as prices will eventually rise once more.

Investing in a pension is a wonderful method to do this since pensions are eligible for tax breaks from the government (and free cash from employers for those in workplace pension schemes).

Our rating for Nutmeg is five stars if you're searching for a pre-made personal. Listed below are the best pension providers in our opinion.

6. Open a savings account with a high rate of return.

While many savings accounts are now paying close to nothing, you may be able to get a better offer if you are willing to put your money in a savings account for months or even years at a time.

The greatest rates are often found in ordinary savings accounts, but these accounts generally come with requirements, such as the need to save a particular amount each month.

We have compiled a list of the best savings accounts, with fixed-term bonds and regular savings accounts emerging as the victors.
