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A Career Built On Character

A Career Built On Character

Napoleon Hill famously stated, "The greatest job belongs to the individual who can accomplish the task without making excuses or passing the buck."

Politics: What's the Big Deal?

Political knowledge isn't taught in school, yet it's critical for economic success.

"Man is a political animal by nature." ~Aristotle

Command the situation.

It's vital to realize that you're in command of your own professional destiny. Expect no plans for your future from the Human Resources Department. Don't hold your breath expecting anybody else to be bothered about it, either.

Put on a successful outfit.

A President, a Senior Vice-President, a Vice-President, and a District Manager are all dressed differently. You should dress one step above from where you are now.

Above everything, maintain your integrity.

"Nothing else matters if you have honesty. Nothing else counts if you don't have honesty." Alan Simpson is a writer.

The concentration of integrity rises as you rise through the ranks of an organization.

Keep in mind who you work for.

Always back up the business.

It is true that where your treasure is, so is your heart. There will be plenty of opportunity to criticize your boss on a daily basis. Refuse to take such chances. Remember that (1) you choose this firm, (2) they pay you, and (3) you have the option to quit at any time. Your capacity to complain will not impress the company's executives.

Make your boss, as well as your boss's boss, seem good.

In all likelihood, you're attempting to take over your boss's position. Hopefully, your boss will be promoted, leaving an opening. If your employer isn't leaving, the following level will have a significant influence on your next job.

Who are the company's top executives?

Find out about the company's leaders' backgrounds. What did they do for a living? Those qualifications are likely to be valued higher than others. Make a list of exceptional individuals in the firm and make an effort to engage with them. Find a way to work for them if at all feasible. Create a network with as many of them as possible if you don't already have one. The best choice is to ask one of them to be your mentor. You'd be surprised how many people are willing to help in this way.

Understand the Laws

"Anyone who gossips about you is gossiping about you." a Spanish adage

Keep an eye on what you write or say.

Assume that everyone in the workplace will read or hear everything you write or say. E-mail facilitates emotional responses. Take a minute to relax before responding to an annoying e-mail, and then compose the e-mail. If you have a habit of sending angry communications, save a draft and examine it later to ensure the tone is acceptable for business.

This idea has a corollary: don't go to Happy Hour! There is a significant chance of saying something inappropriate, losing control, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong moment. Workplace politics should be avoided at all costs. Never, ever, ever, EVER, EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT ANYONE.

Arrive early and go late, but not too so. You want to be seen as a hard worker, but not as someone who can't finish their task. This rule also applies to bringing work home with you. You want to have a life outside of work in the long run. Maintaining a work/life balance will keep you interested in your work and hence more productive.

Find out what your boss wants and then provide it to him or her. You must be productive regardless of your personality, connections, or good appearance. It means doing what your employer wants, no matter how ridiculous it may appear to you. For example, one of my bosses wanted to know how many Dairy Queens served a certain yogurt between Dallas and Houston.

Always say "Yes!" when leadership asks you to accomplish anything. There are ways to provide your boss better answers without harming your relationship.

"Always go above and beyond what is required." George S. Patton was a general who fought in World War II.

Don't forget to credit those who deserve it. Take no credit for your achievements. This is critical for a number of reasons. To begin, you'll need individuals to assist you in getting things done. Second, when others appreciate your employees, you receive credit as well. The third reason is that it is the correct thing to do.


When it comes to your professional life,

1. You're in charge

2. Keep in mind who you work for.

3. Understand the Rules

Bill Karnes described it thus way: "Eagles do not soar in groups; instead, they fly alone. And eagles fly over their surroundings. People who start things, lead organizations, or generally stand out
