10 steps to being the boss's favorite
In any office, there are two types of people: those who work hard but go unnoticed, and those who come to mind right away. The second kind is the one who stands out and is at the center of all activities. Working hard, being qualified, meeting impossible deadlines, and being conscientious aren't enough to achieve career success. You need the boss's approval to be genuinely successful.
You must do the following in order to be recognized and noticed by the boss:
1. Maintain a calm, sophisticated, and friendly demeanor.
Excellent personal habits are always valued. Look well and smell good. Keep breath mints and a clean hanky in your pocket. Keep clean clothing on hand in case of an emergency.
2. Do not engage in gossip. It's the one thing that has the potential to make life difficult.
Know what's going on at work, but don't talk about it or propagate rumors, no matter how tempting it is.
3. Keep your abilities and knowledge up to date at all times.
Today's world evolves at a breakneck speed, and one must stay up with technological advancements as well as global commercial trends. Make every effort to stay ahead of the curve in your line of employment.
4. Develop your listening skills. Examine what others may know and be able to tell you. Soak up information like a sponge.
Never limit yourself to your department alone. It is beneficial to be aware of the organization's various functions.
5. Be a leader in all facets of your life.
Accept extra tasks first, step in to help someone else when they're having trouble, and offer a hand when a team is trying to meet a deadline. Make recommendations that are useful. Make it clear to others that they can rely on you for just about anything.
6. Be polite and kind.
Have a kind word for everyone, exude good manners, and be ready to smile with a caring attitude.Don't be arrogant or judgemental, and don't ride roughshod over others.
7. Obey and respect the office's regulations.
Maintain discipline and instill the culture in others.
8. Work quickly and efficiently, with data and numbers at your fingertips.
Always be well-prepared for meetings, be a visionary, and give proposals that can be implemented. When you speak, it must be "pearls of wisdom."
9. Maintain a calm demeanor and never look worried.
Separate your personal and professional lives; never build a bond with a coworker or employer. Every day, dress well and stand tall.
10. Work in a thorough and orderly manner.
Use file systems that anybody in your department can use—if you go on vacation, anyone in your department should be able to find the paperwork. Maintain a tidy work environment and uncluttered computer files. Create a reasonable backup routine to ensure that your work is never lost. Measures for disaster management must be in place.
To impress a manager, you need more than just skill. Gain an advantage in the race for success.
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